Becoming a Member
The land and buildings known as Buckland Hall are owned by the Community through the Buckland Community Centre Incorporated Society (BCCI).
As a Member of BCCI, you will have a say in how Buckland Hall is managed and developed.
Together Members are the …..
Guardians/Kaitiaki, caring for the fabric of the hall as a resource on behalf of the community and future generations (BCCI Constitution May 2023)
Anyone who lives within the Buckland Hall Community Area (see map) is eligible to become a Member of the BCCI and receive a discount on hiring Buckland Hall.
To become a member simply use the Membership Application below. Also any person living within the Buckland Hall Community Area who signs up to our newsletter database will also immediately be considered a member. There are currently no Membership fees but instead the Committee asks those living in the Community (and outside) to support the hall by way of our fundraising events and through hiring the hall. Membership status is also eligible for discounts when using the hall.
Buckland Hall Community Area Boundary
Please note that both sides of any boundary road are INCLUDED in the area.